Otjikandero & Omapaha

Omapaha Himba Village is a link to Otjikandero Himba Village. The two villages are working together to support and maintain the Ovahimba culture so they can continue living the original life of the tribe and support the orphans in the tribe.

Due to the severe drought in Namibia the last years on the farm Cauas-Okawa, where Otjikandero Village is situated, we got help from a farmer and friend – Mr. Jakkie Robberts on his farm, namely Vierling. Due to additional grazing for the animals of the Himba tribe of Otjikandero, we relocated some of the people from Otjikandero to Vierling. The daily life and tradition of the Himba people continue on Vierling, as it does at Otjikandero. We therefore welcome you to visit us at Omapaha Himba Village on Farm Vierling.

Please note the following:

  • Omapaha is not a show village, nor a human zoo. It is a cultural exchange where people can learn about these amazing nomadic people before their heritage becomes lost forever due to the fact that the western world is evolving at the speed of light…
  • The people at the village currently take care of 15 orphan children. The funds generated by these tours are being used to take care of them and the families in the village responsible for taking care of the orphans.
  • We would also like to stress that NO additional contributions (like food, etc.) is necessary as the cost of each tour is taking care of all necessities for the village people.
  • NO pens and stationary, empty water bottles and plastic bags, clothes or other western civilization paraphernalia will be allowed in the village, for the sole reason that the children are not used to it, and the village becomes littered as soon as the novelty of a new “pen” has worn off. They do not understand the concept of “western rubbish” and we now have to employ someone to clean the village after all the guests have left their empty water bottles, etc. This also teaches the kids to beg and it is something we desperately want to avoid.
  • We’d like to ask that items such as sweets (unwrapped please!) and fruits for the children be given to our guide or the head lady or chief of the village after the tour, where he/she will distribute it among the kids as they see fit.

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